Thursday, June 26, 2008

How do you treat New Customers?

See Like An Outsider In 3 Not-So-Easy (But Worth It) Steps
If you’re already an insider, this won’t be easy. Once you’re “inside the bottle,” reading the label on the outside requires serious mental contortions

Angled towards copywriters, this article contains valuable insight into methods for looking at your business as a new customer. The ability to see your customer service through this lens can be an eye opener.
I particularly liked the the last two suggestions:
Frame ideas like Martin Scorsese
Movie directors frame their shots in order to force viewers to focus on the intended point of action, while live stage theaters literally spotlight performers. They both make it easy for the casual observer to know exactly what to focus on, to know what’s important at that moment.
Picture yourself as a man from Mars, with no background information whatsoever, who just landed at your website for the first time.

Don't assume that your customers know what you are talking about. Make sure that your CSR team focuses on building the relationship and establishing credibility. The sales will come.
Do the “which means ” exercise, then ask “Why?”
Copywriters frequently do the “which means” exercise to draw out the benefits from features and to understand the customer’s real motivations.

Along the same idea as before. By clearly defining the benefit, the feature is explained. Make sure that jargon or shop talk is reserved for inter-office communication. Keep it away from your customer

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